Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Room 3s Bridge Valley Camp best camp

Hi everyone
On the 30th of October to the 2nd of November we room 3 went on camp to Bridge Valley.
It was super fun we done Kayaking 1st and we had racers up and down the creek, 2nd we did Orienteering and that's when you get a map and you have to find the clues around the camp, 3rd was Rock Climbing you  probably all ready know how to rock climb but I well tell you anyway its when you are connected to a rope and you climb up the wall, 4th we did Fire and Damper; to make fire and damper we had to collect wood and find a stick and then start the fire now that was only a few things we did.

Now I'm  going to tell you who was in my team and who I slept with. First I was in a team with Aiden T, Aiden S, Isabelle, Seoyeon, Jazmine, Jessie, Holly, Ella and Maddie it was awesome. Now who we slept with well our cabin was number 6 and we had Frankie, Jazmine, Jessie, Ella, Maddie, Zoe and last the best camp mum Rebbecca.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Holidays

Who Had Fun In The Holidays? 
Well I did anyway here are my three top favorite things I did in the holidays.

First thing I did was on the first week of the holidays and that was swimming
at Riverside, it was super fun I went there at the weekend and there was a big 
bouncy thing in the water and people wetting you with hoses it was fun.

Second thing I did was on the second week it was: staying at my Grandma's 
house for three nights. That was also fun, we went on a maze and it was super big 
and there was a hole that lead you to the middle and I named it the Cheating Hole

Last thing I  did was on the last day of the school holidays:that was the Sunday Market 
and you problem wonder what we sell and I am about to tell you...
At the Sunday Market we sell fruit And vegetables from Victory Fruit And Vegetables 
and the best thing is that they are super, super fresh.

So that's my holidays I hope your holiday was as good as my holiday.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hi my name is Zulema
We Room 3 have been making our own Olympic games 
we rm 3 have made a game called frizzneat and it is fun 
we are playing them on Friday and we had to make teams and
i am in a team that Room 2 made and it is called Diana and
golden apples and i got the best girls time it is like a running race
it is super super fun. 
Hi my name is Zulema.
On Friday our class room 3 went on a ski trip but i didn't  go so i 
went to room 1 Moana teach us and she was super  super fun 
we learned about the falling dominoes and that was fun. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hi I'm Zulema

Hello everybody my name is Zulema
My favorite color is purple   and blue. I like to play hockey and eat
chocolate cake yum.
 I have one twin brother and he is quite annoying and he can be funny.